
The Business of Being Born: Mini-Review

I'm trying to decide which scene was the most memorable: the live home birth in the birthing pool, the panel of doctors admitting they've never seen a "natural" birth (which was funny and oddly discomforting), or the doctor who claimed natural birth was a form of "feminist machoism." Here's the synopsis from the web site:

"Birth is a miracle, a rite of passage, a natural part of life. But birth is also big business.


The film interlaces intimate birth stories with surprising historical, political and scientific insights and shocking statistics about the current maternity care system. When director Epstein discovers she is pregnant during the making of the film, the journey becomes even more personal.

Should most births be viewed as a natural life process, or should every delivery be treated as a potentially catastrophic medical emergency?"

I'm sure everyone has an opinion on natural and/or home birth. Or, maybe you never thought about it.... Maybe you always knew what was right for you. Or maybe you had a horrible experience and want to explore the alternatives, as did some of the women in the film. It's amazing how many of us can relate on the end result: baby, but our stories of the birthing experience are all so different....

No matter where you stand on the subject, if you are curious about the practice of birth, this is definitely worth checking out.

PS - there are no gross out shots like they show in Lamaze, but there is some pretty horrific footage of what they did to women in the '50s....

Personal PS - I had a hospital birth, never planned on "natural," but really wasn't given the choice because of the nature of being induced....you HAVE to have an epidural. (Although, I think I waited longer than necessary to ask for one. Damn nurses!) This movie covers that too, and it hit home like a ton of bricks.


Little Nova said...
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Little Nova said...
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Little Nova said...

Weird. It won't let me post a link in my comment...

Little Nova said...

I was gonna say something about how you might be doing it all wrong and refer to the ORGASMIC BIRTH website....heheheheh.....

Mel said...

Whoa, I logged back in and thought a bunch people had visited. Thanks for your wisecrack though :-)

Jana said...

What hit home like a ton of bricks?! When they told me I would have to have another Cesarean due to her heart problems I actually cried.. :(